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Heart Failure Beat Podcast: HFpEF: The Future is Now (Episode 30)
Heart Failure Beat Podcast:HFpEF: The Future is Now (Episode 30)
Description:  In this month's episode, we welcome guests Stuart Prenner, MD and Kavita Sharma, MD to discuss what is quickly becoming the predominant form of heart failure in the United States: Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF). As leaders of two of the few HFpEF specialty clinics in the country, Drs. Prenner and Sharma provide a number of insights involving the evaluation and management of HFpEF patients. On Heart Failure Rounds, Michael explores the use of ARNI and MRA drugs in patients with chronic kidney disease and Craig Beavers, PharmD breaks down Troponin and Treatment Effects of Omecamtiv Mecarbil: GALACTIC-HF on the JCF Spotlight. 
Guest Names and Titles

Michael Beasley, MD and Priya Umapathi, MD

Stuart B. Prenner, MD, Kavita Sharma, MD, and Craig J. Beavers, PharmD, FACC, FAHA, FCCP, BCCP, BCPS-AQ Cardiology, CACP

Podcast Episode
Cost: FREE
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